Thursday, March 22, 2012

Straight Cash Homie....

Now that the Saints have received their due punishment, every former and some current players are chiming in on the subject. It seems that paying "bounties" happens on every team just not to the degree of injuring a player. It's more a long the lines of first guy on defense to get a pick gets $1000 or first tackle on special teams gets $500.  If nobody meets the goal which I hope on special teams that doesn't happen, the money rolls over to the following week. Each guy on the team chips and it is sort of a goal...

Now these figures are pretty small even in my eyes, but some players pointed out that some goals could get as high as 10 to 20K. This is where I get upset, every year some player whines and holds out cause he can't feed his 5 kids and keep gas in his 6 cars..Maybe if NFL players were more responsible with their money they wouldn't have these issues. If NFL players want to throw money in weekly bounty pots each week, don't expect the public to feel sorry for them come contract time or when they lose everything..Worry not soon to be broke EX-NFL player, I am sure SI will write a great story about what you once were...

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