Monday, July 4, 2011

The Magic Of The 4th Of July.. What Happen???

So I am taking a break from sports to write about the 4th of July and the magic it carried as a good. I don't know it was because I was young or because I had the entire Summer off from school but the 4th always carried special magic. It's was family bbqs,cookouts and fireworks.. Where does the magic go?

Some of my fondest childhood memories happened on the 4th of July. It could be the one summer when I was 6 or 7 and my uncle had a cardboard tube and would launch bottle rockets underneath a bridge where crowds of people's were walking to watch fireworks at the river. Probably not the best idea, but it was the 80's and it was pretty funny. I remember that was the Summer I was introduced to the movie "It's a mad mad world" and lawn Jarts (the dangerous ones).

Or in 95 when Chris Isaak was performing at The Hartford Riverfest. I was 15 at the time and rode my bike everywhere. So myself and a couple friends rode our bikes about 10 miles to Riverfest, along the way taped a couple m80's to a Isaak CD and launch it under a bridge. I remember wondering around Riverfest grabbing food and going down the water slide along with seeing ton's of friends from around town. Picking up a couple boxes of stink bombs from the dollar store and watching a crowd clear.

Life seemed so much simpler and slower back then, even though things were a little more tough. It was tough to get money for things and a lot more work to ride a bike then drive a car. Maybe that is what made it better, the adventure that led to the moment. I have been to numerous cookouts over the years now and have memories from all of them, but none of them seem to capture that same magic. Maybe now that I have a little baby girl I can recapture some of the moments from my childhood. Just looking for that spark to re-create the magic...

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