Monday, June 27, 2011

Owens ACL Injury Has Me Thinking.. What Would You Do?

With the news of T.O possibly having ACL surgery for a still unknown disclosed injury, it got me thinking “What is worth it?” First let’s set the stage, T.O is already a multi millionaire so missing a season or two worth of paychecks is not a big deal, but what about the young guys?

As you are coming out of college not only are you surrounded with fellow teammates and athletes, you also have your friends back home. All these people around you are into sports and I am sure play on the weekends and your teammates train. This past spring you were drafted in the early rounds of the NFL during a lock-out.  You have no contract and have made no money, so what do you do?

Do you train, play horse, play softball or even mini golf? One injury and you lose millions of dollars. I have not had the privilege of ever playing sports on a major level, but last year I tore my ACL playing flag football. I am still recovering from surgery and have to watch my friends play football and it eats at me. I am not a huge softball player, but watching my buddies play that and I want to get out there and run around.

I know my chain of thought would be different with millions of dollars on the line, but how much different? I bet people who played competitive sports growing up can relate. It’s the competitiveness in us that takes over and get’s us back on the field. For better or worse we convince ourselves nothing will happen or I am healthy enough to return no problem. So what would you do or not do?

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